Hubert Neveu
Piscine municipale d’Aigueblanche
Why did we choose Edsun? Firstly, there are not many operators in the market. And we were running a public invitation to tender. Edsun responded and their bid won. They were not the cheapest but they gave the most guarantees. They had the experience, with an impressive track record and good feedback. That was really reassuring for us. Nicolas was our interface throughout the construction. Twice he came to meetings to kick off the work. Then we swapped emails about certain details and follow-up. We had a small problem with some swimsuits getting ripped at the start. It was nothing serious but they came back to redo the resin. They were available and always listened. Their design department worked closely with our project manager. It all went well. After the fire in their workshop, our project was delayed by a year. During that time changes were made, particularly with some differences to the pads compared to the original plan. Edsun covered this work at their own cost. That gesture is worth highlighting. Lastly, the customers love this magnificent water slide. It’s the flagship feature of our water sport centre. We are proud of it.